
Christmas morning dawned dark over a town which appeared resentful of the thin sunbeams fingering its drab corners with colour. Outside the house at 10 Burton Street, it was particularly bleak….

The Decisions of Iris Spratley

Iris Spratley made up her mind on the 1st of February 2018: she was not leaving her home, ever again.  The date was auspicious.  It was her seventieth birthday…

Melting Moments

Ashley’s love affair began the moment she opened her front door.  There he was, crouching on the steaming hot concrete pathway, looking up at her with complete trust in his yellow rimmed, dark eyes.


The six-pronged fork I’m dragging slows me down as it bumps over the ridges of earth made some time ago by the plough.  Now the barley has been harvested and I struggle through stubble and patches of weed.


The water slapped gently against the hull of our small dinghy as I put up the oars and reached over the edge.  Wow!  Two beauties!

The House That Changed Its Mind

All the houses in Poppy Street were happy, but the happiest of all was the house at number 22.

To Each His Own

Joachim Montgomery rubbed his ear, frowning.  He looked again at the list in front of him.  “World-wide unemployment; water scarcity; air-borne disease epidemics; oceans polluted.”  So many problems, no solutions.  There had been a time when he had had hope for the future.  But not now.

Always There

When I married my husband in England in 1964, my parents disapproved and were conspicuous by their absence at the wedding. It was an awkward situation …


In England we didn’t call them hobby farms but that was what they were. Ours was called Goose Farm…